Are we destroying the heritage buildings of the future?

After comments on my last post about the Bonded Stores, it seemed that to a lot of people in Brisbane, old age alone is reason enough to retain a building. So what about the modern buildings we are demolishing now? Will people in the future bemoan the destruction that took place in the early 2000s? Now I’m not suggesting that we stop redevelopment entirely, but should we not at least keep some representative examples of our contemporary buildings? Ones which demonstrate changing building or materials technology, outstanding architectural design, important uses or association with significant events?

The law courts building on George Street is a good example. It is currently in the process of being demolished, yet no one even thinks twice about it. No arguments from me that it was a pretty hideous building to look at, but, as discussed previously, appearance should have nothing to do with heritage significance. However, its use and events that occurred within it, are certainly of historical importance. It would therefore possibly meet some of the criteria for listing on the QLD Heritage Register.

The Law Courts on George Street being demolished in March 2014

In a hundred years from now will any evidence of the buildings of our generation survive? Will similarly minded people to us be fighting to prevent the demolition of the few surviving buildings from our era that we leave behind?


The Reservoirs: A Best Practice Example of Adaptive Re-use


Should we save buildings just because they’re old?